Daylesford Carpet Cleaning Service


Servicing Daylesford & District



Daylesford Carpet Cleaning




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The RX20



Daylesford Carpet CleaningDaylesford Carpet CleaningDaylesford Carpet Cleaning


The amazing RX-20 Rotary Jet Extractor has revolutionized the way carpets are cleaned. With 3 spray jets, matched with 5 vacuum slots, the RX-20 makes over 650 cleaning passes per minute. This incredible scrubbing action releases soils while fluffing up and restoring carpet life. A brilliant tool for large areas and the super filthy!

The RX-20 also has an attachment for cleaning concrete and other hard surfaces, pressure wash agitate and extract all in the one action, no dirty overspray and no puddles, super cleaning of hard surfaces.

We also have a bonnet driving attachment for dual process cleaning, and dry cleaning capability.
